Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boot Camp!

The most important thing I learned from boot camp was probably how important revising is. I transferred into the class late, so I felt like I was a little behind and didn't understand the whole boot camp process as well as I could have if I had been enrolled earlier, but really what stuck out the most to me when I was finished was how essential revising is and how much it can really improve someone's and my own work. Although I didn't revise my first essay as well as I should have because I was so far behind, after writing my second essay on McCandless I realized how much it improved just by revising it a couple times. Throughout the semester, I plan to revise every one of my essays like no other. I learned a lot of tips and things that will help me with my writing from boot camp, but revising was what I found most significant from it.


  1. Same here. I used to revise my essays in high school, but I think I used to cheat myself out of the process. For whatever reason, probably laziness or procrastination, after receiving a final draft back with a grade on it, I would always find other careless errors. This semester will be different for all of us as we peer edit and what not, but I agree, revising is important.

  2. Revising is going to be a bitch. Usually when i write something it takes so long and by the time I am done then i don't want to read it, let alone revise it. And typically the only revisions i do are general punctuation and grammar, because i feel like i have written it correctly the first time. it seems as though that will be something i have to overcome in this class.

  3. Sometimes in High School my idea of revising would just to go through and make sure there were no silly gramatical erros. Now I have realized how much stronger my essay became when I take the time to fully edit my essay and see what I can do to make it better.

  4. I totally agree, revising is something that is a crucial part of writing an essay. Even though revising seems simple, I have a hard time with rearranging sentences and paragraphs to make it sounds better. I hope we can help each other revise and edit our essays to the fullest potential in the future! :)
