Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Research Paper / Primary Source

What does your primary source say about the topic of your research paper? How do you address this point of view in your paper and why is it important? Why do you think we (your classmates) should care about your research? How might it affect us?

My primary source is providing an example to why teachers deserve an increase in pay. The movie Dead Poets Society is about a teacher who all the students looked up to and appreciated him. He makes a huge impact on all of his students. There are plenty of examples of other movies where the teacher has affected the students so much to change some of their lives. It's so important that teachers get payed a decent amount because obviously they are the ones who provide us with an education. I think you, and all of us should care about this topic because obviously we're all paying a bundle of money to learn and get an education. So obviously we're going to want a teacher or prof who has an education of their own, and knows what they're talking about. We need and want a professor who can help us succeed, and reach our fullest potential. One way to get teachers and profs like this, could be by increasing their salaries to motivate them, and provide all of us students and future students with the best teachers possible.


  1. Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

  2. I really like the argument you're making considering I want to be a teacher (like you!). With all biases aside, however, there are a lot of teachers out there who have had a significant impact on a few of their students' lives. Movies, books, and other forms of medias only cover the few exceptional teachers that are known. There are still tons of other "undiscovered" teachers that deserve the same kind of recognition. I think increasing a teacher's salary would motivate a lot more people to become teachers and to be better. This, however, could also do the exact others. A better salary could possibly attract people just because of the amount of money they would be getting. A good teacher is someone who is there to help students succeed and who are knowledgeable in their specific fields. With a pay raise, a stricter set of criteria should be used to help evaluate those who are there for the money versus those who genuinely care about students. You might be able to use this as a part of what a naysayer might use to counter your argument. Overall, your argument is one that affects teachers, future teachers and students at all levels of education. I look forward to reading your paper and see how you develop your argument.

  3. This is a really cool topic. I like that you took a current issue and then related it to a movie that isn't about the original topic. Maybe that is what everyone is supposed to do and i'm just stupid, but regardless, it seems pretty smart. I can relate to the topic, probably as well as most people, because i have had a few teachers throughout the course of my education that have had significant impacts on me and have helped to give me a direction in life. These teachers should be rewarded for their acts, but, teachers do get summer off, so that is payment in itself.

  4. Im sorry this comment is so late, but I just got home! Anyways, I myself have never seen the movie Dead Poets Society, but it sounds really interesting. I like your topic alot, because it is such a huge problem today, but it is something that many people are not aware of or do not think about. Teachers and professors have such an impact on the lives of students, from when we are Kindergarden or graduating from college. They help us grow, learn, and teach us so that someday we will have the ability to teach others. I agree that they deserve a higher pay, it will motivate more people to teach, and give them more credit where it is due.
