Friday, March 5, 2010

"In light of Krakauer's self-expression, do you find his recount of Chris' story more or less credible? Explain your answer."

I find Chris' story more credible. I think by Krakauer relating himself to Chris and sharing his experiences it makes Chris sound less crazy and makes people realize that there are other people in the world who have went into the wild and tried to accomplish something they had their heart set on. Also by Krakauer explaining his journey in detail it made me realize that what Chris did was not easy, and obviously very challenging.

1 comment:

  1. I had a really difficult time responding to this week's prompt. I see how you developed your opinion and in a way, I believe that you're right. Considering only what Krakauer has told his readers, his account in the wild makes Chris' much more credible. It makes him seem less insane because not only did he mention several young men who had similar stories previously, but now, Krakauer himself explains that once he had a similar experience. Krakauer wants us to believe that McCandless wasn't crazy and his story reinforced this idea and therefore made Chris' story more "credible". Despite all of this, I think when us, as readers, really think about how Krakauer probably omitted some of Chris' story for the sake of the book, his account does not make Chris' story any more credible than it is.
