Thursday, February 4, 2010

Into the Wild

After reading further into Into The Wild my opinion has slightly changed about McCandless. As I continued to read, I felt began to not feel as bad for him. I really do feel like he could have survived, if he just would have accepted some of the necessities from the friends that he met along his journey. He very easily could have brought along more of the things that he needed to survive, and still accomplish his journey of going into the wilderness. I still like McCandless, and support him, I just think there are a few things that he could have changed and he just might have survived.


  1. I posted my blog before Thursday when we discussed McCandless in class. After hearing what some of our classmates thought, my opinion has slightly changed. I agree with you though, he would've had a much better chance of surviving if he had just accepted some basic necessities.

  2. I think that not being prepared was his biggest mistake. I wish he would of learned how to survive of the wild, and brought the right supplies with him. I do feel bad that he did not make it, I just think he should have considered more aspects of how to go about doing his dream before doing so.

  3. Yeah if he hadn't been such a little bitch trying to follow through with his ideals then and actually accepted some of the charity that people offered him then he most likely would have survived longer than he did, could possibly still be alive today. We'll never know though.

  4. For sure he would've gotten further if he accepted the gifts that people have presented. He was just being super stubborn and I bet he was thinking there would be lots of animals to kill and eat or something. Well anyways, I wanna read the rest and learn more about him. :)
